All Articles
What is Moodle?
MIC Moodle Course Baseline
How to schedule a meeting with my class Team
Team’s roles and permissions
What is Moodle’s activity chooser?
How to make a shared folder on OneDrive?
How to migrate a team's recording to a share location on OneDrive?
How to add an accessible Team's file or OneDrive share link to a Moodle page?
Releasing Grades and Feedback to Students
Accessing Submitted Assignments for Grading and Feedback
Setting up Moodle Assignments for Grading and Feedback
What is YuJa?
Grading and Adding a Feedback Comment
How do I share asynchronous material with my Class Team?
How do I access my archived course pages from 2021-22?
Moodle Assignment Filters
What is Moodle Boards
How do I add a Moodle Board to my course page?
How to set up a Moodle Board
How to upload Letter grades using the Offline Grading Worksheet
How to Add Bubble and In-Line Text Comments
Academic Integrity Policy at MIC
Activity Engagement, Reviewing and Reporting in Moodle
Activity Engagement: Activity completion report
Activity Engagement: Activity report
Activity Engagement: Course participation report
Activity Engagement: Forum summary report
Activity Engagement: Logs
Adding Website Links (URLs) to your Course
Backup a Moodle Course Page
Breakout room user controls
Camera settings in BigBlueButton
Chat Activity and Settings
Communicating Detailed Feedback with PDF Annotation
Creating a Moodle Video Assignment
Creating a Standard Rubric Scorecard
Creating Calendar Events for Important Dates, Events and Activities on your Modules(s)
Download the Grading Worksheet
Downloading a Report or Log
Downloading Student Submissions
Duplicating a Rubric or Grading Form
Enrolling on a Moodle module using a Self-Enrolment Key
Example uses for Moodle Boards
Finding your way around Mahara
Forum Activity and Settings
Generative AI Resources
Getting started with Moodle Gradebook
Grading and Feedback Only Assignments
How do I record videos using YuJa?
How do I access a student's similarity report?
How do I access more a more detailed account of a similarity report?
How do I access my future/upcoming course pages?
How do I access Past Moodle pages and modules?
How do I add a BigBlueButton session to my course page?
How do I add a Mahara ePortfolio block to Moodle?
How do I add a Moodle Lesson to my course page?
How do I add a Moodle Quiz to my course page?
How do I add a YuJa activity to Moodle course?
How do I add an External Examiner to a module page?
How do I add automatic captions to a media upload in YuJa?
How do I add content blocks to a Mahara e-portfolio?
How do I add files and journal entries to Mahara e-portfolio?
How do I add skins to a Mahara e-portfolio page?
How do I add tags to my Mahara e-portfolio
How do I apply filters on a paper's similarity report?
How do I attach a rubric or grading form to an assignment?
How do I configure Letter Grades in Gradebook?
How do I create a Grading Form?
How do I create a Turnitin assignment on my course page?
How do I create Rubrics for Turnitin using MS Excel?
How do I display Letter Grades in Gradebook?
How do I download a copy of a student's submission?
How do I edit a video in YuJa?
How do I edit the course introduction at the top of my 2022-23 Moodle page.
How do I fill out the APAC form?
How do I import questions to my Moodle Lesson?
How do I log in to Mahara?
How do I login to Moodle as a non-MIC user?
How do I login to Moodle as and MIC staff member or student?
How do I make my Course page visible?
How do I manage media in YuJa?
How do I manually regrade student assignments?
How do I monitor uploads in YuJa?
How do I preview video files in YuJa during the upload process?
How do I publish a video or media file to a course channel?
How do I record a meeting in MS Teams? (Microsoft Documentation)
How do I record using the online YuJa Browser Method?
How do I record using the YuJa Software Capture Method?
How do I remove or edit access to shared content?
How do I reset my Moodle password (for non-MIC users)?
How do I review a Mahara collection or page?
How do I save most used Moodle courses as favourites (Star)?
How do I share content using a direct link or embed code on Moodle?
How do I share my rubric with colleagues?
How do I submit my Mahara e-portfolio to Moodle Assignment?
How do I update my Mahara profile?
How do I upload media content in YuJa?
How do I use a grading form to grade an assignment?
How do I use a rubric scorecard to grade an assignment?
How do I use the Immersive Reader in Microsoft Products.
How does Generative AI impact Academic Integrity?
How does MS Teams compare to BigBlueButton?
How does the rating feature work in Moodle Boards?
How to access Grades and Feedback in Turnitin
How to access Microsoft OneDrive
How to access Participants Enrollments, Groups and Permissions in Moodle
How to access Turnitin grades in Moodle Grader Report
How to access Yuja Video Assignment Submissions
How to add a H5P activity to my course page?
How to add a Mahara ePortfolio assignment to your course page
How to add a Moodle Attendance activity to my course page
How to add and edit text in Moodle
How to add Articulate Storyline SCORM file to Moodle
How to add content page to Moodle Lesson
How to add sessions to Moodle Attendance activity?
How to add Team members
How to build a Mahara e-portfolio page
How to Communicate Detailed Feedback Comments with Turnitin
How to Copy/Duplicate course materials.
How to create a Breakout room on BigBlueButton
How to create a Custom Rubric Scorecard
How to create a Mahara e-portfolio collection
How to create a MS Team (Microsoft Documentation)
How to create a Qualitative Rubric Scorecard
How to create and manage Breakout rooms during a meeting MS Teams
How to create and manage Breakout rooms on MS Teams
How to Create Custom QuickMark Sets
How to Create Groups in Moodle
How to disable Turnitin submission notifications.
How to Download Marked Assignments
How to download my video content from Stream
How to download recorded content from Teams
How to embed a video to Mahara page
How to end all Breakout Rooms
How to enrol students onto your course page
How to exit a Breakout room
How to export a PowerPoint presentation to Video (MP4) format
How to export Moodle Boards?
How to grade a Mahara ePortfolio submission
How to grade an Assignment and add a Feedback Summary
How to grant an extension in Moodle assignment
How to grant Colleagues ‘Teacher’ Access to your Course
How to make sections invisible on my Moodle page
How to mark attendance through Moodle Attendance activity
How to move content on your course page
How to preview e-Learning in Articulate Storyline
How to publish a SCORM package in Articulate Storyline 360
How to publish Articulate Storyline 360 file to Word
How to restrict an activities' access by Group
How to resubmit or change a Turnitin Assignment submission
How to retrieve Mahara e-Portfolio submissions
How to save my Mahara e-portfolio page as a PDF
How to Search in MS Teams (Microsoft Documentation)
How to Set up Moodle Lesson
How to set up reporting and tracking options in Articulate Storyline
How to set up students self-recording attendance in Moodle attendance activity
How to Sort Turnitin Submissions
How to submit a Turnitin Assignment
How to Submit a Turnitin Assignment with Multiple Parts
How to track attendance through Moodle Attendance Activity Report
How to transfer H5P content from one module to another
How to unenroll from a course page.
How to update Resource links in Articulate Storyline 360
How to update share settings on Mahara page
How to update Status set to Moodle Attendance Activity
How to update the Moodle Boards
How to update your Course Page Settings.
How to update your student attendance record in Moodle
How to use Enhanced Participant Page filtering
How to use the course completion enrollment method.
How to use Turnitin as part of Moodle Assignment
Introduction to YuJa
Inviting students to join active Breakout rooms
Lecturer instructions for entering a Breakout Room
Messaging in Moodle
MIC Moodle Template Example - Basic Template EN
MIC Moodle Template Example - Tutorial Template EN
MIC Moodle Template Example - Tutorial Template GA
MIC Moodle Template Example - Weeks Template EN
MIC Moodle Template Example - Weeks Template GA
MIC Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Protocol
Microsoft Stream (Classic) End of Life
Microsoft Teams Groupwork for YuJa Assignment Submission
Modifying Rubrics and Grading Forms
Moodle Icons for Activities and Resources
Moodle notification settings
Moodle Roles
Moodle vs Turnitin Comparison Table
Moodle Wiki Student Guide
New Design Moodle 4.1 - Student View
New Design of Moodle 4.1
New Features in Moodle
New Features in Moodle - Student View
Offline Grading
OneDrive Synchronisation
Overview of Moodle Assignment Grading and Feedback Tools
Overview of Turnitin’s Grading, Feedback and Rubric Tools
QR Code Informaton and Creation
Reading and Finding File Metadata
Recommended Browsers
Recording audio onto your PowerPoint slides
Rolling over Content from a Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook
Saving a BigBlueButton video to OneDrive
Setting up a Group Choice Activity in Moodle
Settings for Mahara ePortfolio Assignments
Sharing a YuJa media link
Student Guide to BigBlueButton
Student Guide to Moodle
Student guidelines for online participation
Submitting a YuJa Video to Moodle Assignments
Troubleshooting MIC Reading Lists
Turnitin - File Acceptance Considerations
Turnitin Assignment Part Settings
Turnitin Common Module | Restrict Access | Activity Completion Settings
Turnitin General Settings
Turnitin Grade Settings
Turnitin Originality Report Options
Turnitin Post Date
Turnitin Submission Guidance
Turnitin Update Summer 2025: What changes can be expected for staff?
UDL in Mary Immaculate College
Understanding Moodle Activities
Understanding Moodle Resources
Understanding the similarity colour scale
Unsubscribing from Moodle Forum notifications
Uploading files to your course page
Using a Grading Form
Using Boards for Group Activities
Using OneNote in MS Teams (Microsoft Documentation)
Using the Choice Activity
Using the Database Activity
Using the Feedback Activity
Using the Glossary Activity
Using the Wiki Activity
Using the YuJa Video App and Platform to Prepare and Submit YuJa Media Assignments
What are Turnitin Rubrics and Grading Forms
What can students add to Moodle Boards?
What is a Team’s channel and how do I create one?
What is a YuJa Channel?
What is AI and how does it support Generative AI?
What is Articulate Storyline 360?
What is BigBlueButton?
What is Mahara ePortfolio?
What is Microsoft OneDrive?
What is Microsoft Teams & what is it useful for?
What is Moodle Feedback Activity?
What is Moodle Lesson?
What is Moodle Quiz?
What is the difference between share, publish and embed?
What is Turnitin
What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
Where do I edit my course introduction
Who can start or stop a recording in a meeting? (Microsoft Documentation)
Why can't I copy my Turnitin assignments from year to year?
Why can't I migrate my BBB recordings?
Year Rollover: Can I change my page dates and continue using my page?
Year Rollover: New Module or Page Requests
Year Rollover: Processing Timelines
Year Rollover: What is a Review and Rollover Invitation Email?
Year Rollover: What is the Difference between Rollover and New Module Request?
Year Rollover: What to do if my module has been moved from S2 to S1?
Year Rollover: When can I expect a Review and Rollover Invitation Email?
Yuja Video Recording Guidelines