Media Channels in YuJa enable lecturers or instructors to make content available to users in a specific group or course. A Channel is automatically created when YuJa is added as an activity in a Moodle course page.

  • To find media channels available to you, select on All Channels under the Shared menu on the left side of the YuJa platform screen. 
  • Select the desired media channel from the available list.
YuJa Media Library Navigation bar with the Channel list indicated on the bottom left.

  • To search for a channel, click on Find a Channel option, under the Shared menu, search by typing key work and selecting from the dropdown options available.
YuJa Media Library Navigation bar with the Find a channel search indicated on the bottom left, with a Find a channel dropdown shown as a layover image.

  • The Media Channel will display all the published media.
  • Sub-channels may also be made available to organise the channel's content. These sub-channels are available by clicking on the coloured letter tabs on the top of the screen.
YuJa Media Library with Subchannels highlighted on the channel page, and in the navigation panel on the bottom left.

  • Select the desired video or media file in the channel and click on the Play button.
YuJa video screen with two options for playing indicated.

  • If you have paused or are returning to the video, the video will start where you left off.
YuJa video screen paused with the option to Resume from previously paused time, or start from the beginning.

  • Hover over the desired video, to view a thumbnail description of the content.
Video thumbnail is hovered over, with a small summary box of video details desplaying publisher, and date of publication.

  • If media is not available under the Media Channel, this most likely means the lecturer has yet published media to this channel.