LEAD has facilitated a number of in-person workshops on the topic of 'Introduction to YuJa'. If you are new to Yuja, you may want to check out our What is Yuja? article first.

The 'Introduction to YuJa' workshop is now also available as an asynchronous video, linked below, which covers:
  • What is YuJa? [Start point: 01.02 mins]
  • YuJa Demonstration [04.15 mins] including:
    • YuJa Login [04.17 mins] 
    • YuJa Site Navigation [05.48 mins]
    • Uploading Content [06.37 mins]
    • Recording Asynchronous Content [07.12 mins]
    • YuJa Features [09.49 mins]
  • Support [14.36 mins]