Media management provides a suite of tools to organise, store, upload, edit and share media in YuJa. 

  • To access, click on the Manage Media, the first menu item on the menu options available on the top ribbon of the YuJa platform.
Media Library Toolbar indicating Manage Media button.

  • Click on My Media option listed on the Personal menu panel on the left side of the screen to access your media including uploaded media and recordings created with the YuJa software.
Media Library indicating My Media Section.

  • To add content, click on the Upload button available on the top left of the screen. All uploaded content will be available in My Media.
Media Library Toolbar indicating the Upload button.

  • To organise the media available in My Media, create a folder(s) by click on the New Folder button on the top left of the screen. The folder(s) created will be available on the top of the screen. To organise My Media into folders, drag and drop media file from My Media to the appropriate folder.
Media Toolbar indicating the New Folder button, and indicating the ability to drag and drop files into folders.

  • Common functionalities for media files are available by hovering over the file for example - Play, Share, Publish, Delete and Edit.
  • Select More to find other tasks such as Thumbnails, Download, Analytics, Video Quizzes and more

Video options listed over hovered on item.

  • To access content owned by another user but shared with you, click on the Shared with me option listed on the Personal menu panel on the left side of the screen.
Media Library indicating Shared Files button.

  • The Shared menu on the left side of the screen provides access to all you course level media channels (All Channels) and Shared folders.
MIC Channel page in the Shared section.