All users in a breakout room session are assigned the Moderator role, the first student to join the breakout room session will be assigned Presenter by default. When entering a breakout session, your microphone should be unmuted by default. If you notice your microphone is muted, or if students cannot hear you, click the microphone icon under the presentation area to unmute yourself.

BigBlueButton call controls, indicating unmute by clicking the crossed out microphone image.

If you are unable to hear students inside inside in the breakout room, click Join audio. You will be prompted to complete another echo test to re-join the audio.

BigBlueButton call button indicating to click the crossed out phone button.

If you wish to share your webcam in the Breakout room session, click Share webcam.

BigBlueButton webcamera button indicating to click the crossed out video camera button.

Note: to allow all students in breakout room session to see each other's webcams, you must unlock the See other viewers webcams in the main session. This function is only suitable for small tutorial groups.
Like the main room, once you click on your name, you can set a status or take the presenter role (if not already assigned as presenter). 

BigBlueButton users list, indication the option to set status for specific users.

You also have the option to  clear all status icons and save the user names when clicking the Manage users wheel. The save user names option can be useful, especially if you have planned on re-using certain breakout room groups in future BigBlueButton sessions.

The Presenter in the breakout room session has the same functionality of a presenter in the main session. They can start a poll, upload a presentation, share an external video, share screen, and use the live whiteboard.

Note: The last slide from the presentation that is displayed in the main BigBlueButton session will display in each breakout room.