Channels are similar to chat rooms for specific groups in your Microsoft Teams application to communicate and collaborate.   

1. In your Teams application go to your Teams icon on the left-hand side. There you will see ‘Your teams’ listed, click the group, or Team, that you would like to add a channel to. 

Default Microsoft Teams application open page with an orange arrow pointing to the Teams icon and an orange box around a Teams group  

2. Automatically you will have a ‘General’ channel within each Team.   

Inside the Team group there is a default channel called general being pointed to by an orange arrow and the group icon is circled in orange 

3. To create a new channel click on the ellipsis () by the team name. In the dropdown list choose, Add channel 

An orange arrow points to the ellipses at the side of a Teams group and a dropdown is indicated with the  Add channel option circled in orange 

4. In the pop-up window you will name your channel, and add a description if desired.  

The create channel pop up is pictured with the example title course chat the add button is circled below 

5. Then click Add 

6. Then under your Team name you will see your new channel.  

In the Teams group you can see the new channel course chat and indicated with an orange arrow is where to add applications from the tab menu 

 7. Within these channels you can use different tools available in the Tabs menu by clicking the +’  icon. 

a list of optional applications to add to a Teams channel