What is Group Choice?
Group choice, based on the standard
Choice activity, allows students to enroll
themselves in a group within a Moodle course.
The teacher can choose the groups offered and
the maximum number of students allowed in each
Setting up a Group Choice
Before you can proceed in setting up
your group choice activity you must first
create Groups in Moodle. Please follow steps
on how to do so using guide - How to Create Groups in
Once your groups have been created
return back to your Moodle page to add the
Group Choice Activity.
To add Group
- Turn editing on
- Add an activity or resource, and select Group Choice
- Once on the editing page you can set up your settings for the Group Choice Activity.
Group Choice Settings
- Group Choice name.
- Description - (It is advised to
give a description for this
activity so students will have
instructions for how to complete
the activity).
Miscellaneous settings:
- Allow enrollment to multiple groups.
- Publish results
- Do not publish results to
- Show results after students have
- Show results after choice is
- Always show to students
- Privacy of results - Public or
- Allow choice to be updated/changed.
- Show column for unanswered.
- Limit number of responses allowed -
- If enabled choose limitation for
groups then click apply to all
Groups Settings
- Select the groups/groupings from Available Groups you wish to
add for this activity, once selected
choose Add.
- Once added groups will appear in Selected Groups.
- Sort groups by
- Group creation date
- Name

Restrict Answering Settings
- Choose to enable time restrictions for
students to answer this
- Other general Moodle settings apply
to this activity - Common module settings,
Restrict access, Activity Completion and
Competencies. Apply these settings where
- Once you are happy with your
activity settings, choose Save and
return to course.