To set groups for your course activities do the following.

  1. On your Moodle page Turn Edit mode on

  2. Edit mode button

  3. After you have added a resource or an activity you can update its settings by clicking the Edit link, then select Edit settings:

  4. Edit dropdown menu indicating Edit settings.

  • On the editing page pay particular attention to Common module settings, and Restrict access.
  • To restrict to a certain Group, click Add restriction. 
  • Select Group.Editing page sections Common module settings, and Restrict access.

    • Choose the group you wish to restrict access to from the dropdown. 
      Note: Click on the eye icon to hide section/activity entirely from other groups who do not match the group chosen. 

    restrict access settings for test group 1
    • Click Save and Display

    You can find more information on how to use groups in Moodle on the MoodleDoc's website.