The rubric scorecard allows you to easily mark a student’s assignment submission against a set of criteria on a scale.

  1. Open the relevant Moodle course page.
  2. Click the Turnitin assignment link. This will open the Turnitin assignment Submission Inbox.
  3. To access Turnitin's grading tools, click the blue pencil icon in the Grade column of a student’s submission:

    The blue pencil icon in the submission inbox.

    The Turnitin document viewer opens.
  4. To open the rubric scorecard while viewing a student’s assignment, you must click the Rubrics toolbar icon:

    The rubric scorecard icon allowing lecturers to grade using the rubric.

  5.  The rubric scorecard or grading form that is attached to the assignment will appear in the rubric sidebar:

    The rubric scorecard in the Turnitin feedback studio allows the lecturer to move the slider for each of the rubric elements, automatically generating a score.

  6. To grade, click on the point on the scale for each item that represents the mark:

    A lecturer can click on a part of the slider to move the scoring scale to that point.

  7. The Rubric score displays the total of all the selected cell values:

    The mark is displayed alongside the total possible score.

  8. Click on the Apply to Grade button at the top of the rubric sidebar to apply this score to the assignment’s total point value:

    The lecturer can click the apply to grade button to apply this grade to this particular student.

  9. Once a grade is applied from the rubric scorecard it will appear in the Grade field at the top right corner of the document viewer:

    The students total score for this submission is shown in the box at the top of the screen, alongside the total possible score.

  10. If you prefer to grade using the full rubric, click the Full-size rubric icon indicated below:

    The lecturer can click the crosshair icon to expand the rubric.

    The expanded rubric opens a new window displaying the rubric cell descriptions.
  11. In the expanded rubric, click on the tiles that represent the grade you wish to assign:
  12. The full rubric is displayed where the lecturer can select the tiles to represent the students grade.
  13. Click Apply to grade to apply the grade items.

    The lecturer can click the apply to grade button to apply this grade to this particular student.

Note: On using Rubrics/Grading Forms to Grade: When the communication of grades and feedback has started on an assignment where a Rubric or Grading Form is being used, you should never detach that Rubric, or attach a new Rubric, as this will lose any feedback already provided using the Rubric or Grading Form.  For this reason, we recommend that one person should take responsibility for applying the correct Rubric to assignments.

If QuickMark or bubble comments were used to communicate feedback on the assignment, it is possible to associate rubric criteria with these comments. To do this:

  1. Click on the relevant QuickMark or bubble comment on the student’s assignment.
  2. Click Assign Criterion:

    The assign criterion button where the lecturer can associate quick mark or bubble comments with rubric criteria.

  3. Select the criterion:

    The list of existing criteria for this rubric appears.

  4. Scroll down and add a comment:

    A comment can be added in the space provided by scrolling down.
  5. To view the number of comments associated with each criterion and the list of associated comments, click on the comment icon beside the criterion title in the rubric sidebar:

    If comments are associated with criteria, they will appear next to the criteria as comment icons.