Audience: This information is for non-MIC Users , that is users who have accounts setup using their own personal or work email addresses that do not end with the domain If you have a staff or student account at MIC, please use that account to login and follow these MIC Staff and Students login instructions.

Note: This login service is only available to users who have approved registrations with MIC through a course or outreach programme. There is no facility to self-register for MIC Moodle access. If you are registered with MIC and experience difficulty logging in, please contact the MIC ICT Services Helpdesk for assistance.

Recommended browsers: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers are recommended for the best experience of using MIC Moodle.

To login to the MIC Moodle platform as a non-MIC User:

  1. Access Moodle using the link -
  2. Once you have clicked on the link you will be presented with a login page:

    Choose the option for Non-MIC Login.
MIC Moodle Login page indicataing Login as Non-MIC User.
  1. Once selected you will be prompted to login using your registered email address and password.
  1. This will complete the process of signing into Moodle. Now that you are signed in and have access, enrolment onto Moodle pages can be facilitated. 

Having trouble logging in?
For assistance with login issues for MIC Moodle, firstly check with your programme coordinator to ensure you have been registered and that your contact details are correct. Once this is confirmed, you should make contact with the MIC ICT Services Helpdesk.