Moodle course backup offers a means to archive all Moodle course contents in a single, transportable file. The output file created, a distinctive .mbz file, is  somewhat similar to the concept of a .zip archive file, and is a way to store the information from an entire course in one compressed repository.

Using the Moodle backup option may be practical if you teach a module infrequently and want to be sure that it is not removed from the platform, or where you anticipate or schedule a break in teaching for an extended duration and wish to be able to restore work you had previously used.

Moodle course backup files are specifically designed to facilitate both exportation from and importation to Moodle platforms.

It is strongly recommended that you download and securely store any Moodle course backup files in an institutional file storage system, such as OneDrive. Do not create an important backup file and leave it on the Moodle server as such files are periodically and systematically cleared from the system as part of data management operations.

Ensure that any Moodle course backup is compliant with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulations and College policies relating to the retention of personal data records. Default backup configurations exclude personal data: if in doubt, consult with the LEAD or the Information Compliance Office before creating and exporting any course backups.

Where Moodle course contents are jointly used, ensure that there is either (a) consent of colleagues for backups to be created and exported, or (b) the backup is configured only to include those content items that you have contributed.

To backup a course

  • Browse to a Module to which you are assigned and wish to backup;

  • From the Course Navigation Menu locate More and from the drop-down Menu choose Course Reuse;

  • From the Drop-down options that are displayed at the top left of the page, Backup should be displayed by default (if not, choose it from the available options);

  • The backup process is configured over 5 stages:
  1. Initial Settings includes the default settings for a course content only (non-user data) backup; this can generally be accepted by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking Next;

  2. Schema Settings allows you to include or exclude specific course content elements. By default all items are checked but items or sections may be excluded. When the schema is configured, scroll to the bottom and click Next;

  3. Confirmation and Review allows  you to give the backup file a name (the default file name includes certain identifies along with the creation date and time). This page also confirms the schema from the previous step. When confirmed, scroll to the bottom and click Perform Backup;

  4. Perform Backup stage will complete automatically and requires no action until it is complete. The page will automatically advance (or report an error). The duration for this stage will vary depending on the size of the Moodle course and the amount of content on the page. The progress bar may, at times, appear to freeze, but this is usually due to large media items embedded in the page;

  5. Complete - when complete, a confirmation will display to say the Backup file was successfully created. scroll to the bottom and click Continue;
  • Backed-up files in your history are displayed in the User private backup area on the page that is then displayed. From here, locate the just-completed backup file and click Download.

  • The downloaded file is stored to the Downloads folder (or specified folder) on your device. Transfer this file to secure storage, such as an Institutional OneDrive folder, identifying the file carefully for future restoration and use.