Moodle allows Tutors to set filters that control what is displayed when working with Assignment. This can be particularly useful when grading for example, allowing only ‘ungraded’ assignments to be displayed, or with large student groups to identify, for example, assignments submitted or not submitted. 

There are three types of filter that can be applied in Moodle Assignment. These can be set independently or together, depending on your needs. Be aware that when filters are set, there may be submission items that you cannot see.

  1. First name, Surname filter 
    Here, in common with other Moodle functions, you can filter for students with specific First or Surname initials.
  2. Firstname, Surname Filter
  3. Assignment Status filter 
    This filter allows you to filter assignments on the basis of their submission status.
  4. Assignment status filter

  5. Workflow filter
    If using Marking Workflow, this filter can be helpful in tracking the status of different cohorts of papers as they progress from ‘not marked’ through ‘in marking’ to ‘ready for release’ or ‘released.
  6. Marking workflow filter

Note:  It is important to always check these filters before grading, filters can remain set even after exiting an assignment. This can cause confusion with the location of student submissions when grading. 

If you enter Assignment, expect to see assignment submissions, but can see no submissions, make sure to check the settings for each of the three filters, changing them back to the default setting in order
to see all submissions:

Default Setting
First name, Surname
All, All
Assignment Status
No filter