Each Moodle course has an associated Grader report. If the Grader report for a Moodle course is made visible to students (in the course settings), they can access it by clicking on the Grades link in the navigation block:

Navigation menu for grades.

The User report displays each gradable activity in a Moodle course (e.g. Turnitin assignments, Quizzes) and presents students with a breakdown of their released grades for each element.

User report displaying activities and marking.

The Grader report allows the lecturer the opportunity to view and change each gradable element, as well as organise them into categories, set weightings, and calculate totals in various ways:

Gradebook setup with assignments, grades, and weights.

When you add an assessed item such as an assignment in a Moodle course, the Grader report automatically creates space for the grades it will produce and adds the grades as they are generated, either by the system or by you.

Once you enter grades in a Turnitin assignment, these grades will automatically be added to the Moodle course Grader report. The grades will remain hidden from students in the Grader report until the assignment post date has passed. When the post date is reached, and if the Grader report is visible to students, they will be able to view their Turnitin assignment grade in the Moodle course Grader report.

Important Note about the Visibility of Grades in the Moodle Grader Report

When you are setting up a Turnitin assignment for grading and communicating feedback, it is important that you set the Turnitin assignment post date correctly. Though the post date can be changed after setting up the Turnitin assignment, making changes to the setting has been known to cause an issue with the grades becoming visible in the Moodle course Grader report in advance of the post date. If you do need to make changes to the post date, always check the Moodle Grader report to ensure the grade item for the Turnitin assignment is still hidden from students.

It is also important to avoid hiding and showing the Turnitin assignment on the Moodle course page. Making changes to the assignment hide and show settings has also been known to interfere with how the post date releases grades back to the Moodle course Grader report. If you must change the hide and show setting for the Turnitin assignment, always check the Moodle Grader report to ensure the grade item for the Turnitin assignment is still hidden from students.

If you need assistance with this, contact lead@mic.ul.ie.