Moodle provides teaching staff with a selection of reports which can indicate the access, activity and engagement of students on their modules. Depending on the reporting option chosen, it may be possible to review such information as the level of engagement and popularity of activities and resources, times for engagement and the students who have been active.

There are a variety of reports that can be used:

For all modules -
  • Activity report – this generates a simple listing that can be sorted to show module activity.
  • Course participation – produces a listing of all module participants together with details about each resource or activity from which it is possible to establish the participants who have used or submitted to the item.
  • Module logs – Module logs allow you to generate a report showing information related to a module that can be filtered according to participant, activity, date or other options.
  • Forum summary – produces a report that summarises Forum participation.
For modules where activity completion is enabled along with completion criteria for activities or resources -
  • Activity completion – generates a list of all participants displaying whether they have completed the tracked activities or not