A Review and Rollover Invitation Email is issued by LEAD based on the requests received by us from staff members for modules and pages in the 2023-24 academic year (23AY).

Using the information and configurations available to us, the invitation email lists the pages that are associated with each staff member. One or more Moodle pages may be listed, and each one requires review and an action by you.

When you receive the email, you are invited to review the modules listed and asked - for each one - to choose from one of the following options:

  • Rollover the module or page as it is, accepting the details as they are;
  • Rollover the module with minor changes, details of which can be noted in your Rollover Reply for that page;
  • Assign/Transfer the module/page to another colleague – useful if you have a rotating coordinator or lead or need to transfer you page for any other reasons;
  • Cancel the module: in this case the module will not be created for 24AY.
Your response is important in order to have Moodle pages ready for the new academic year. If we receive no response regarding any page, it will not be rolled over.