Assignments can be regraded within the original activity, i.e. in Quiz or Moodle Assignment. However, the most efficient way of overriding grades (or regrading) can be found in the Moodle Gradebook.

To override an assignment grade:

  1. Navigate to the Grades tab on the course navigation ribbon menu.                                 Grades tab in the course navigation window

  2. Select Single view from the View category of the dropdown menu available on the top left of the screen. 
    Single view option highlighted from Grades administraion dropdown menu                     
  3. Select either the grade items and the users button based on what you wish to update.
    Users and Grade items button highlighted in Single view screen
  4. Select the User or Grade item you require to update from the dropdown list based on your prior selection.
    Select a user dropdown highlighted in Single view users screen
  5. To override a student grade, click on the grade cell for the appropriate assignment which can be found available in the Grade column.
  6. In the Grade cell, enter the updated grade for the student assignment and add comments in the active Feedback field as necessary.Single view student screen with grade cells, feedback cells and Save button highlighted
  7. When you are happy with your changes click Save on the bottom right of the screen.