Grading forms allow lecturers to provide free form feedback or scores for a list of criteria. To create a grading form:

  1. Open the relevant Moodle course page.
  2. Click the Turnitin assignment link. This will open the Turnitin assignment Submission Inbox.
  3. Click the Launch Rubric Manager icon at the top-right corner of the submission inbox:

    The launch rubric manager button on the submission inbox page.
  4. Select Create new grading form from the dropdown menu in the top-left corner:

    The menu options show the create a new link option.
  5. Name the grading form: 

    A lecturer can enter a title for the grading form at the top of the window.
  6. Edit the criteria titles and descriptions. Add additional criteria by clicking the + icon:

    To add more criteria, a lecturer can click on the plus icon.
  7. Select whether to enable scoring at the bottom left of the screen: 

    Check the enable scoring box to ensure that you will be able to enter a score.

    Grading form scoring allows you to add a mark to each row and attach the total as the overall mark for the assignment. Leave this unticked if the grading form is qualitative.
  8. When all the criterion titles and descriptions have been edited click Save to save the rubric. 

    The save button at the bottom of the window allows the lecturer to save the rubric.