A Glossary is a list of keywords and definitions, like a dictionary but more specific to your course materials. In the glossary key terms can even be linked to lead to the relevant pages. 

  • On your course page, click on the Edit mode button on the top right of the screen to turn editing on. 
Edit mode button

  • In the section of your page that you want to add the Glossary, go to the bottom of the section and click on + Add an activity or resource.
Add activity or resource button
  • Select Glossary from the activity chooser list.

Glossary activity highlight from the activity chooser list

  • In the editing page input the name, description and any other desired settings. 
Glossary settings with name and description highlighted

  • There are two Glossary types available available to select in the Glossary type dropdown menu:
    • Main Glossary - is a glossary from secondary glossaries can be imported. There can only be one main glossary on the course.
    • Secondary Glossary - If glossary import is not required all glossaries on the course can be secondary glossaries
Glossary type dropdown highlighted
  • Once complete, click on Save and display on the base of the screen.
Save and display button

  • Following clicking on Save and display, you will be brought to the glossary index, and will be able to add entrees by click on the add entry button on the left of the screen to add individually or Import entries button  on the right of the screen to select a file to bulk upload. If you click on Save and return to course, click on the Glossary activity to edit and add entrees
Glossary set up screen with Add entry button and Import entries button highlighted
  • There is also an option to export the glossary which could be used if you wanted to export a glossary from another page and import it into a new glossary. Updates can also be made in advance of import. To export, click on the ellipsis icon (...) and select Export from the dropdown list available.
Glossary set up screen with ellipsis icon and dropdown menu highlighted

You can find more information on the Glossary activity in Moodle on the MoodleDoc's website.    

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