The Forum summary report provides an overview of participation within a specific Forum activity.

To view a Forum summary report

  • Browse to a Moodle module for which you with to obtain a Forum summary report.
  • Locate and open the specific Forum on which you wish to report.
  • At the top right of the Forum page locate the Actions menu (Settings cog icon) and click on this to expand the options.

    Module Settings wheel dropdown menu indicated with Forum summary report indicated for selection.
  • From the presented options select Forum summary report
  • The Forum summary page will then open and will present similar to the image below:

    Forum summary report menu showing views and interactions across all forums in the course.
Interpreting the Forum summary report

  • It is possible to change between various Forums on a module page using the Forum selected dropdown, or, as in the displayed image above, to see all contributions to all Forums for the module by choosing All forums in course.
  • Reports can be sorted by any of the column headers; in the example above, the sort is descending based on the Number of replies posted.
  • The activity  of each participant can be reviewed under the various headings:
    • Number of discussions posted - the number started by the participant.
    • Number of replies posted - or responses to other's posts.
    • Number of attachments - where file attachments my be appended to posts.
    • Number of views - how many posts has the participant viewed.
    • Word count - number of words contributed to posts by the participant.
    • Character count - sum of all characters added to posts by the participant.
    • Earliest and Most recent posts - the date range of the participant's activity.
Additional report settings

  • There are three additional page options provided at the bottom of each Forum summary report page:

    Additional report settings options showing options for downloadable information, users, pages, file type.

  • Messages may be sent to specific module participants by either:

    • selecting those to be messaged using the checkbox for intended recipients in the left-hand most column, or
    • checking the top most checkbox in the left hand column.
  • Once the intended participants have been selected, at With selected users ... choose Send a message from the dropdown.
  • A message window will appear which allows you to type a short message. The message window will confirm the number of participants that will receive your message.
  • When the message is composed, it may be sent by clicking the button Send message to # person(s).
Records to display per page

  • Using the Per page dropdown, the number of report records to display per page can be set at 50, 100 or 200 per page.
Download the report

  • Forum summary reports can be downloaded if necessary.
  • Please refer to Downloading a Report or Log before proceeding to review recommended practice and formats.