Once you have selected to add Turnitin to your course page you will need to specify the following General Settings for that assignment:

  1. Turnitin Assignment Name: This is used as the assignment link on your course page.

  2. Summary: Enter a description of the assignment and instructions. This will be visible to students when they click the assignment link.

  3. Display description on course page: Select this option if you wish to display the Summary directly on your course page.

  4.  Submission Type: Submissions can be made by students to the Moodle Turnitin Assignment tool in different formats.

    • Choose File upload if student must submit a file (Word document, PowerPoint presentation, PDF) to a submission area.
    • Choose Text Submission if students must type or paste text directly into a text submission area to submit it instead of uploading a file.
    • Choose Any Submission Type if both options outlined above should be available for students to use.

  5. Number of parts: Specify whether students can submit multiple parts of their assignment. This might be used if you want students to upload separate sections or multiple drafts of an essay independently.

  6. Maximum File Size: Sets the maximum size of the file that students can upload. The maximum size for file uploads to Turnitin is capped at 100MB. Each part of a Turnitin assignment has a maximum file upload size of 100MB.

  7. Anonymous marking: You can configure your Turnitin assignment to use Anonymous Marking by setting this value to Yes. Anonymous marking allows you to grade students' work without seeing any identifiable student information. Once a submission is made to the assignment, anonymous marking cannot be disabled.

    To learn more about this using anonymous marking in Turnitin, contact the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Centre (LEAD).

  8. Allow Submission of any file type: Set this to No. If this option is set to Yes, Turnitin may not be able to generate similarity reports on some students’ submissions.

  9. Display Originality Reports to Students: Specify whether students can see the similarity reports that Turnitin generates. The default is No.

  10. Note on the Visibility of Similarity Reports: Lecturers can always see Similarity Reports. This setting only determines if a student can see the report that the lecturer received for their submission. Allowing a student to see the Similarity Report can help them to identify referencing omissions or an over-reliance on direct citations. The student can then produce a second draft of their writing and resubmit, if the assignment is configured to allow resubmissions.

  11. Display Similarity Reports to Students: Leave this set to NoStudents have access to Turnitin Self-Check on Moodle to check their similarity reports for assignments. 

  12. Grade Display: If you are using Turnitin to grade students’ assignments you can choose to display grades as a percentage or as a fraction. If you are not using Turnitin to grade, you can ignore this setting.

  13.  Auto Refresh Grades/Scores: Specify whether grades and similarity reports will be refreshed automatically. The default is Yes, automatically refresh originality scores and grades.

  14. Set these values as assignment defaults: Select this option if you wish to make the current settings default for any Turnitin assignments you create in the future.