To download the grading worksheet, return to the Moodle Assignment page and from its Grading action dropdown menu, choose Download grading worksheet and save the file to a secure location (keep its .csv file format). Remember, offline grading cannot be used if you have enabled advanced grading methods such as Rubrics or Grading Forms.

Dropdown menu to Download grading worksheet.

After downloading the submissions and the grading worksheet:

  1. Open a downloaded submission to review it.
  2. Open the csv file in a spreadsheet editor, e.g. MS Excel.
  3. For each submission, enter grades in the Grade column and summary comments in the Feedback comments column. Leave the other data untouched.                                                                                             CSV results of the grading form download.
  4. Repeat as needed and save the csv file. Enter grades Enter feedback comments

    Note: Take care to enter data in the correct column of the spreadsheet

  5. When you are ready to upload grades and summary feedback, click on the assignment name on the Moodle course homepage to access the summary page and click View/grade all submissions.
  6. From the Grading action drop-down menu choose Upload grading worksheet.

                                                     Submission page dropdown menu to upload grading worksheets.

  7. Click Choose a file and upload the grading worksheet to Moodle.
                                                                            Atto editing page for uploading the grading worksheets.

  8. Click Upload grading worksheet; a Confirmation box displays the students’ grades and feedback that will be imported – check this carefully.
  9. If you are ready to proceed, click Confirm; a summary of updates displays.
  10. Click Continue.
    Note: Ensure you adhere to MIC GDPR guidelines when downloading student assignment submissions.