To make a copy of  pre-existing content items on a Moodle page:

  • On your course page go to the top right and click on Edit mode to turn editing on.
Edit mode button

  • Find the content you would like to make a copy of and go to the '...' icon tab to the top right of the item.
  • From the dropdown select Duplicate.
Elipsis Icon and Duplicate button from edit menu dropdown

  • This will create your copy below the original course item, with the annotated title (copy)
Copy of duplicated activity
  • From here you can edit the copy as needed in the Edit tab, Edit settings.
Elipsis Icon and Edit settings button from edit menu dropdown

  • This will take you to the edit page so you can update your duplicate file to make any relevant changes.
Updating activity screen
  • Once complete, click on Save and return to course or Save and display to see your completed item.
Save and return to course and Save and display buttons

You can find information more on the reusing activities in Moodle