Steps required before adding External Examiner to Moodle
  • Identify and get any necessary approval for External Examiner.
  • Contact ICT through the ICT Helpdesk with External Examiner account setup details (firstname, surname, phone, home institution email address, and any other required data).
  • Once setup and the External Examiner has received their MIC account details, they may need your support in accessing their MIC account. 
  • Advise External Examiner to Sign-in to Moodle to activate their Moodle account so you will be able to add them to a Module page.

Adding External Examiner onto a Module page

  1. Log in to Moodle and open the relevant course.
  2. On the course page under the banner image, select the Participants option. 

    Image highlighting the participants option

  4. Click the Enrol users button Enrol users button
  5. In the Search field enter the email address of your colleague and a list of options will display.

  6. Because you are granting External Examiner access permissions to your page, it is critical that you check and verify that the email address you have used matches the one created by ICT. Do not rely on typing a user's name as name duplicates may exist.
  7. Select External Examiner Role for the Assign role. 

Enrol users panel highlighting External examiner is the assign roles field

LEAD can assist with External Examiner role assignments only once External Examiners have been signed in to Moodle. Assistance requests from External examiners should be directed through the module lecturer, programme coordinator or faculty support team to LEAD in all cases.