The Course participation report offers a means of reviewing general participation in a module. This can be valuable for monitoring the level of activity on the individual activity items within your module allowing the number of views or posts by participants to be reviewed. The Course participation report is particularly useful for monitoring activity in Module Forums, for example allowing a review of the number of reads or posts.

*Note: that this report only provides details on Moodle Activity items.
The Course participation report allows teachers to send messages to selected students.

To generate a Course participation report

  • Browse to a Moodle module for which you with to obtain the report.
  • If not already displayed, open the Administration panel on the left by clicking the orange Hamburger icon at the top left of the screen.
  • From the menu list locate Course administration | Reports (expand if necessary) and click on Course participation report.
  •  When the Report page opens you are presented with five options:

    • Activity* module -allows you to choose an activity from the module as the source of data.
    • Look back – specifies the retrospective time to consider (reports will generated up to today).
    • Show only – allows the selection of individuals who have specific system roles: normally Student will be chosen.
    • Groups – allows the filtering of the report for groups (if groups are enabled on the module).
    • Show actions – offers a choice between:

      • View – reports only on the number of views/reads counted on for each user on the chosen Activity.
      • Posts – reports only on the number of postings/additions/submissions counted for each user on the chosen Activity.
      • All actions – allows both Views and Posts to be reported.
      • Once you have set the filter options required click Go. The page will refresh, displaying a summary report by participant and listing their actions. A third column allows individual records or a complete set to be selected.
To send a Moodle message

  • On generating a report, using the previous steps, select the participants to message using the appropriate Select check boxes (it is possible to choose 'all' by checking the top-most checkbox).
  • Browse to the bottom of the displayed page and at the option With selected users … choose an option to Send a message.
  • A message window will appear which allows you to type a short message. The message window will confirm the number of participants that will receive your message.
  • When the message is composed, it may be sent by clicking the button Send message to # person(s).

Note: Be aware that the same message will be dispatched to each selected participant using the Moodle platform messaging service. This means that your message must be in simple text only. The message will not be delivered by email. Messages are signaled to users using the Message Indicator and will become visible to signed-in users within a matter of moments.