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Turnitin is an online system that helps you to manage the submission of assignments and coursework. It allows you and your students to check writing for referencing omissions, citation issues, and potential instances of plagiarism. At MIC students and staff members access Turnitin through Moodle, our virtual learning environment (VLE).

www.turnitin.com versus Moodle-Turnitin Integration

When Turnitin was introduced at MIC, it was accessed directly through the www.turnitin.com website. This required the generation of a username and password and the creation of class IDs and passwords. As Turnitin is now integrated with Moodle, you and your students no longer have to use the www.turnitin.com website; you can access the service directly in your Moodle courses simply by generating a Turnitin assignment. This integration eliminates the need to have a separate account on the www.turnitin.com site and ensures a seamless assignment upload experience for students.

When a document is submitted to Turnitin, it compares the text in the document against its database of electronic materials and the internet. Turnitin’s databases contain vast amounts of web content, previously submitted assignments, and subscription-based journals and publications. The results are illustrated in a Similarity Report. This report highlights any matches found and the overall percentage of matched text (known as the ‘Similarity Index’). It also gives a breakdown of the overall percentage and provides links to the source of each section of matched text.

Turnitin can be used as a tool to help students to develop their academic writing. If the Turnitin assignment is configured to allow students to see the Similarity Report of their submission, and to allow resubmissions, this can help students to identify referencing omissions or an over-reliance on direct citations. They can then produce a second draft of their writing and resubmit.

Lecturers can always view the Similarity Reports of their students’ submissions and they can use these reports to identify weaknesses in a student’s academic writing. Lecturers can also use the Similarity Report to help them give feedback to students on their academic writing.

Turnitin is not a Plagiarism Detector!

The Turnitin Similarity Index is NOT a plagiarism index; there is no similarity score that is inherently good or bad. Turnitin can only compare the submitted text for matches found in its database and on the internet. The lecturer must examine the Similarity Report to determine if the assignment exhibits plagiarism. 
Turnitin also includes a set of tools for grading and delivering feedback to students. This is covered in a separate guide on grading and feedback. If you would like to learn more about the grading and feedback tools available in Turnitin, contact the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Centre (LEAD).

Note on Browsers: If you plan on using Turnitin in your Moodle course, we strongly recommend using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox web browsers