1. If you wish to update attendance on behalf of the students, click on the Moodle Attendance activity on your course page. 
  2. View the sessions on the Sessions tab. To update attendance, click on the green arrow icon to the right of the session you wish to update. If you wish to take attendance in the case where students are not allowed to take their own attendance or have not complete it, click on the green circle icon to the right of the specific session.
  3. green arrow icon and grean circle icon highlighted to the right of the session details

  4. Update the the status' accordingly. Note there is an option to bulk update the status for specific category of students on the top of the list

Set status for dropdown and bulk update selection highlighted along with the list of students and the fields available to update student records; once complete save attendees button highligted
  1. Once complete, click on the Save Attendance button on the base of the screen.