Towards the end of each semester you may notice that you are receiving a vast number of notifications from Moodle. These notifications vary but the majority of them would be confirmation of student submissions from Turnitin or Moodle Assignment. 

To disable these notifications for all Turnitin submissions:
  1. On your Moodle Dashboard, Click on the dropdown next to your name (top right) and choose Preferences
  2. Click on the Notification preferences under User account
  3. In the Notification preferences page, scroll down to Turnitin Assignment 2 and set the Green Notification On indicators (in the two right-hand columns) to Red/Off for Turnitin assignment Instructor Digital Receipt notifications (the final option)
Image displaying the areas where to disable notification settings for Turnitin assignment submissions

Updating both of these settings to Red/No will stop Moodle/Turnitin notifications being sent through email while you are both online or offline.

Be aware: switching this function off will disable it for your account across all Turnitin/Moodle Assignments.