Navigate to the Manage Media section on the top menu of the YuJa platform:

Upload Media menu indicating Manage Captions.
  1. Click on the Upload option available in Manage Media and select the desired video or drag-and-drop a file to Manage Media.
    Add Caption options, Language, and Caption Dictionary options.
  2. Select Auto-caption from the Select Captioning Method dropdown.
  3. Choose the desired language.
    Add Caption window with language options. 
  4. Users may add words to the Auto-Captioning Dictionary during media uploads for the specific media upload to improve the quality of the auto-captioning. Enter the specific words into the blank field available under the Additional Auto-Captioning Dictionary for this Media. You may enter as many words as needed. 

    Note - This will not add terms to Mary Immaculate College's auto-captioning dictionary.

  5. Click on Save.
  6. Complete you video upload by dragging and dropping or by browsing your computer files.
Add Media menu, indicating the upload area.