Common Module Settings

  1. Availability: Set this to Show on course page if you wish the assignment to be visible to students on the Moodle course page.
  2. ID number: Leave this blank.
  3. Group mode: Specify which group mode you wish to use for this Turnitin assignment. If you are not using Groups in Moodle, set this to No groups.

If you would like to learn more about using Groups in Moodle, contact the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Centre (LEAD).

Restrict Access

If you need to restrict access to this Turnitin assignment, add the access restrictions required.

To learn more about using access restrictions in Moodle, contact the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Centre (LEAD).

Activity Completion

Activity completion allows you to set completion criteria for your course in the settings of each activity, such as a Turnitin assignment. A checkmark appears beside the activity when the student meets the completion criteria you have specified.

  1. Completion tracking: Specify what completion tracking settings to use for this Turnitin assignment, if any.
    • If you have specified Show activity as complete when conditions are met, you will need to specify the conditions, i.e., Require view/Require grade