1. On your course page go to the top right and click on Edit mode to turn editing on.

  2. Edit Mode button

  3. For quick edits like changing titles you can click the pencil icon near the title and type in the desired changes and press enter on your keyboard to save the new title.

  4. Pencil edit icon

  5. If you would like to edit a section you will click the '...' icon on the right side and select Edit settings option from the dropdown list. 
  6. Elipsis Icon and Edit settings button from edit dropdown

  7. In the editing page you will be able to edit the summary, restrict access and many other settings for the page item.
  8. Updating window
  9. Once complete editing the item, click Save and return to course or Save and display at the bottom of the page.
  10. Save and return to course and Save and display buttons

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