The MIC Online Teaching Baseline is a set of base standards for teaching, learning, assessment and communication to support the consistency, usability, accessibility, student engagement and overall quality of the MIC digital teaching and learning experience.

In digital programmes and with programmes that are supported with digital resources, the virtual learning environment (VLE) - which is Moodle in the case of MIC - performs multiple roles. Moodle is the:

  • Learning gateway for students,
  • Face of your programme and your teaching work, and the
  • Online representation of the College in general.
Students may rely on the Moodle platform for many reasons which, together with the points above, underscores the importance of a coherent, consistent and accessible experience for all. 

The same quality standards and processes that underpin the design and development of MIC's academic programmes are also applicable to their digital presence.

The role of the VLE in fully online and blended programmes highlights the importance that must be placed on the planning for, designing of and presenting of a coherent learning and engagement experience for students.

The MIC Moodle Baseline addresses six key areas:
  1. How your programme and material is structured and laid out;
  2. How assessment is presented and supported;
  3. How communication with and between students and teaching staff is facilitated;
  4. How the programme is oriented and setup;
  5. How Universal Design for Learning principles are incorporated; and
  6. How students are supported to achieve success.
The MIC Moodle Course Baseline is adapted, with permission, from the UCLConnected Learning Baseline and is informed by research, practice and regulation.

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