When setting up a Turnitin assignment it is essential to pay close attention to three important dates:

  • Start Date: the date from which your assignment will accept submissions from students;
  • Due Date: the date by which submissions are due (this date should not be changed once the Start date has passed; with the correct settings, your assignment will continue to accept late submissions and will identify them as such);
  • Post Date: the date after which grades, GradeMarks and feedback are released to and viewable by students.
The Post Date may be changed at any time, but it is important to choose this date judiciously, according to your needs. For example:

  • For Formative Assessment, you may choose to set a post date that releases results and feedback immediately on grading or shortly after grading: in this case a date close to the Due Date is often appropriate.
  • For Summative Assessment, you may be required to submit details of assessment to an exam board for confirmation prior to the release of results to students. In this case it is usually appropriate to set a Post Date shortly after the release of student results.
To change the Post Date on a Turnitin Assignment:
  • Access the required assignment through Moodle.
  • In the Submissions Inbox view locate the heading Post Date.
  • Click the pencil icon to the right to the Post Date displayed and, using the drop-down choices, update the day, month, year and time as required.
Note: Changing the Post Date to a date/time earlier than the date/time of editing will make grades and feedback available immediately.
  • Once finished editing the Post Date date/time, click on the white-space (empty space) just below the edited date/time to save the update. A confirmation 'wheel' will rotate to confirm that the revised date/time is being saved.
Worked Example
The following example may guide the use of dates.

You wish to create an assignment for students as follows:
  1. You plan to announce details and permit submissions from 9am on 15 February: this is your Start Date.
  2. Students have one month to complete the task, so you set a Due Date for 14 March and also specify that this should be at the end of the day, that is 23:59.
  3. Because this assignment will form part of Summative Assessment and will be Exam Board reviewed prior to the Release of Exam Results on 19 June, you set the Post Date for the start of the following day; that is, you allow Exam Results to be released first before students can access the Feedback you have added on the Post Date of 20 June at 9am.
  • This schedule would appear as follows:
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