This article will guide you on the use of different tools available in the immersive reader tab in Microsoft Word. 

The Immersive reader is a tool in office products which supports reading and writing competencies. It allows the user choice on how they wish to experience a document. Allowing the user to listen to text read aloud, customizing the colour and modifying the space between sentences etc. 

To access the Immersive Reader:

  1. Open the Word Document 
  2. Select the View tab, then select Immersive Reader. A new view will display for the Immersive Reader.

    View tab leading to Immersive Reader tab

Immersive Reader Tools

  1.  Column Width - Changes the line length, to improve focus and comprehension

    Column width tab
  2. Page Colour - Can make the text more legible and easier to scan, resulting in less eye strain.

    Page colour tab
  3. Line Focus - Depending on the users choice, focuses on either 1,2,3 or 5 lines in the text. Reducing distraction so that you can move through a document line by line.

    Line focus tab
  4. Text Spacing - Increases the spacing between words, characters and lines. 

    Text spacing tab
  5.  Syllables - shows breaks between syllables, to improve word recognition and pronunciation.

    Syllables tab
  6. Read Aloud - Highlights each word in the document and reads them aloud to you. 

    Read Aloud Tab
Read Aloud Settings
    • Reading Speed: Use the drag function to control the reading speed.
    • Voice Selection: Choose the voice which best suits you from the dropdown, Select the voice and press Play to hear it.
    • Exit Read aloud by clicking on the X.
Read Aloud Settings