Moodle may provide an option for a log or report to be downloaded in a format that is suitable for use.

Please note: in the interests of the protection of user and other data, the downloading, storing and transmission of reports must be undertaken in a manner that is compliant with the practices and principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), College policies on Data Protection and Records Retention schedules. Downloads should be restricted to necessary data only.

A selection of useful formats is given below. Depending on the options available, not all of the formats given here may be available in all circumstances.

Of the range of download options, the following formats are most likely to be useful:

  • Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) - this is a flexible format that allows the processing of the report or log in Excel spreadsheets.
  • Comma separated values (.csv) - similar to Excel, this format can be imported to Excel or other spreadsheet, text and document processing software.
  • Portable Document Format (.pdf) – suitable for static reports that do not require any further editing editing. Data is provided in a fixed format.