Moodle is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or a Learning Management System (LMS). It provides one central location to interact with students, and for students to interact with you allowing you to share resources, communicate with students, allocate assignments and activities, grade and communicate feedback to learners. It also provides an area where students can collaborate with each other.

Moodle staff, student and non-MIC login buttons

Features of Moodle

Moodle has a number of features that allow you to share and communicate with students as well as conduct course management and administration activities. These include:

Resources: This functionality allows you to create or share resources with students. You can share links, books, files (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel, PDFs,  graphics), create books and pages to combine several different resources

Activities: This allows you to engage or interact with students. Activities include assignments, quizzes, discussion forums, wikis, e-portfolios and many more

Course Administration: This allows you to track student progression by producing reports on student activity, administer results through assignments and gradebooks. You can create student groups using different methods. You can also award learners badges or certificates on completion of activities/courses.