If you do not have a reliable connection or prefer to grade outside of Moodle, you can use offline grading to enter grades and feedback comments. Offline grading cannot be used if you have enabled advanced grading methods such as Rubrics or Grading Forms. The high-level steps in offline grading are:

  1. Download the submissions.
  2. Download the grading worksheet.
  3. Grade and enter a feedback comment in the offline grading worksheet.
  4. Upload the completed grading worksheet.

Note: Ensure you adhere to MIC GDPR guidelines when downloading student assignment submissions.

In the assignment settings, ensure the options for Feedback comments and Offline grading worksheet are enabled:

Moodle Assignment feedback types                                                  

Note: Before you begin grading always ensure the marking workflow state is set to ‘In marking’ to ensure grades and feedback are not visible to students.

For more in-depth instructions see: