To grant a colleague 'teacher' access to your Moodle course:

  1. Log in to Moodle and open the relevant course.
  2. On the course page under the banner image, select the Participants option. 

    Image highlighting the participants option

  4. Click the Enrol users button Enrol users button
  5. In the Search field enter the email address of your colleague and a list of options will display.

  6. Because you are granting Teacher access permissions to your page, it is critical that you check and verify that the email address you have used matches that of your intended colleague. Do not rely solely on entering a colleague name. It is recommended that you look up your colleague in Outlook and use the email address copy function, pasting this address to Moodle.

    Enroll users view, a user is choosen to be added as a teacher
  7. If you wish to allow your colleague to add course materials and grade assignments, select Teacher from the Assign role drop-down list. If you wish to limit your colleague to viewing course material and grading submitted work, select Non-editing teacher from the Assign roles drop-down list. 
  8. Click the Enrol selected users and cohorts button to complete the process of adding users to your course.