Once you have chosen Board as your activity from the activity chooser, you will be directed to configure the settings of your Moodle Board.

General Settings
  • Name - Give your Board a descriptive name.
  • Description - Give your board a description, possibly instructions on the tasks that need to be completed by students and by when.
General Settings for boards activity, name and description
Board Settings

  • Background colour - A valid hex colour is required. 
  • Background Image - Accepted files JPEG, PNG or BMP.
  • Rating Posts - Disabled, By Students, By Teachers, By All. 
  • Hide Column Headers From Students - Checkbox.
  • Sort By - None, Creation Date, Rating.
  • Limit Students Posting By Date - If checked you can choose a date where students must add a post by. 
  • Allow All Users To Edit Placement Of Their Own Posts - Checkbox. 
Board settings
All other settings available for Boards are standard for all Moodle activities - Common module settingsRestrict access and Competencies.

Other settings - common module settings, Restrict access, Activity completion and competencies
Once complete, click on Save and display on the base of the screen.
Save and display button