Lecturers and external examiners can sort Turnitin submissions by the following headings:
  • First Name / Last Name (each independently, that is by First Name or by Last Name)
  • Submission Title
  • Turnitin Paper ID
  • Submitted
  • Similarity
  • Grade
In order to do so, click on the Up or Down arrow next to the heading you wish to sort by.

For example, if you wish to sort the list in alphabetical order based on the student's Last Name, click on the Up arrow to list from A-Z and the Down arrow to list from Z-A.
Heading submission column names with Filter arrows beside Last name column highlighted

A blue arrow with the appear to reflect that the sorting has been applied. For example in this case the blue Up arrow indicates the submissions are sorted alphabetically by Last name. 

Heading submission column names with Up filter arrow highlighted

Click on the arrow again, if you wish to adjust. Alternatively, you have the option to filter by another column if you wish to do so.

Note: Be aware that it can be easy to mis-sort submission listings by accidentally clicking on one of the column headings. Should this happen, you can re-sort submissions by using these steps on your preferred heading.