Gradebook collects and compiles all the items that are gradable in a Moodle page, allowing you an overall grading space where you can organise things into categories and calculate marks to suit you. In the gradebook setup you can edit categories, edit and/or hide individual activities, and edit the weighting for each activity.

Each course in Moodle has its' own gradebook which you can access by clicking on the Grades tab in the course navigation ribbon menu. By default students  have access to this area also and is where they can view their course grades [user report].

Grades tab highlighted on the course navigation ribbon menu

It is very important to set up the gradebook carefully as this impacts how your marks are calculated and managed.

Click on Gradebook setup from the Setup category of the dropdown menu available on the left side of the screen to access and set up the gradebook.
Gradebook setup option highlight from dropdown administration options available

Click on the Add grade item button on the top of the Gradebook to add a gradable assignment to the gradebook and click on Save changes button on the base of the screen.

Gradebook setup screen with Add grade item and save changes buttons highlighted

Note: When setting up the different gradable assignments be careful when setting the weighting and marks per question. we recommend setting the Maximum grade to 100 as this makes the final gradebook configuration much easier.

After each item has been configured you can come back into the Gradebook Setup tab and edit weights, and grade display types (percentage, numeric, alphabetical).

Gradebook setup screen with grade weight and edit functions highlighted

If you change any part of an assessment e.g. alter the maximum grade for one of the questions in a quiz, you may find that the columns do not yet reflect the change you have made. Click the Edit mode toggle twice to force the gradebook to re-check.

Click on the Grader report option from the View category of the dropdown menu available on the left side of the screen to access the Grader report.  This is an overview page for all the students and their assignments where you can review their marks for specific items, and edit if necessary.

Below provides an overview of the Grade Administration functions available on the dropdown list on the top left of the Grades tab:


  • Grader ReportUnlike the Gradebook the Grader report shows the individual marks or grades achieved for each gradable activity linked to a student. With the report you can also access the average student’s results and the overall result each student received. You can also change the display of the Grader-report categories, the displays include:
      • Grades only - without the category totals column
      • Aggregates - Category total column only
      • Full view - grades and the aggregates (the totals column for the category)
  • Grade History
  • Overview report
  • Single viewIf you view the report by activity, you can see the grades for each student and have the option to override/bulk insert grades for that activity.
  • User reportIf you view the report by user and have access to view all activities linked with that student. You will see the weighting, grade, range, percentage, feedback and contribution to course total for each activity for that student.
    • Gradebook setup
    • Course grade settings - Numeric, Scales, Letters.
    • Preferences: Grader report
  • ScalesStandard scales or Custom scales created by you eg. Pass/Fail. 
    • Standard scales
    • Add a new scale
  • Grade LettersA-F (editable).
    • View
    • Edit
  • Import
    • Grade items to be included in the export
  • Export
    • Export format options:
      • Include feedback in report
      • Exclude suspended users
      • Grade export type: Real, Percentage and Letter
      • Grade export decimal places: Default set to 2