1. Navigate to the Moodle Assignment where you wish to add an extension to student submissions.
  2. Click View all submissions.Initial Moodle assingment view, highlighting the option to view all submissions
  3. Navigate to the student you wish to give an extension to and select the Edit dropdown.Student submission within moodle assignment, with the Edit option highlighted
  4. Choose the option to Grant extension. The selected user/users, due date and extension date will display.
  5. Click on the checkbox to enable an Extension due date and add the new date and time for that student to submit by.
    enable extention display, where the extension due date and checkbox is highlighted
  6. Click Save changes.
  7. The extension date and time will then display under the current marking workflow state in the assignment view.
    Student submission within assingment, displaying the new extension date and time under the marking workflow state dropdown
Student View

When students enter the assignment they will have the option to:

  • Add a submission or
  • Edit a submission 
  • Remove submission
The Submission status will also be available outlining all of the submission details including the Extension due date

Submission status, highlighting the extension due date