Turnitin is now available within Moodle Assignment to support Similarity Checking and Similarity Reports on assignments using this Activity.

Note that
  • Turnitin must be enabled for each Moodle Assignment: it is not active by default.
  • Turnitin requires that assignment submissions comply with Turnitin - File Acceptance Considerations. If your assignment's file submission format does not meet these requirements, it is most likely not compatible with Turnitin Similarity Checking. Consult with LEAD if in doubt.

To setup a Moodle Assignment in general, please refer to the article Setting up Moodle Assignments for Grading and Feedback.

Moodle Assignment with Turnitin Similarity Checking

In order to enable Turnitin Similarity Checking within Moodle Assignment, navigate to the Settings tab of a newly set up Moodle Assignment and navigate to and expand the Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings section. This section is also available in the set up screen when setting up a new Moodle assignment.

Settings screen with Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings heading highlighted

To activate Turnitin for the assignment, select Yes from the Enable Turnitin dropdown.

Enable Turnitin yes/no dropdown options available

From here, an option to Display Similarity Reports to Students is made available. This allows you to display Turnitin Similarity Reports to student users. This is set to No by default (students do not see their Similarity Report). Select Yes from the dropdown menu if you wish to share the Similarity Report generated by Turnitin with students.

Display Similarity Reports to Student yes/no dropdown options available
To set up Quickmark Manager click on the Launch Quickmark Manager link available just underneath the Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings heading.

Launch Quickmark Manager link

The following settings are set by default and locked at the Moodle site level.

List of settings that are locked by default at site level
Note that like Turnitin Assignment, Turnitin in Moodle Assignment will restrict the File Types and Formats that may be accepted. For further details, see the article Turnitin - File Acceptance Considerations. This setting cannot be changed.
The following settings can be updated based on your assignment requirement preferences.

Additional settings available to update based on users assignment requirement preferences

Recommendation: Where possible, retain the default setting of Similarity Report Generation Speed is set to Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date). Avoid changing this setting once the assignment has been created, and more importantly do not change the setting after any assignment has been submitted.

If you wish to attach a rubric or set up a new rubric - there are options to both Attach a rubric to this assignment or Launch Rubric Manager. Students will be able to view attached rubrics and their content priori submitting their assignment.

Options to attach a rubric and option to Launch Rubric Manager highlighted

Once complete, click on Save and return to course button on the base of the screen.

Save and return to course button