Audience: This information is for MIC Staff and Students who hold Microsoft services accounts and email addresses that end with the domain If you have instructions to use your own personal account, please see the information for non-MIC users.

Note: MIC email addresses and passwords are setup by the MIC ICT Services Helpdesk team. You must be in possession of these credentials and must have previously accessed Microsoft Office, updating your password and verification details, before you can access Moodle.
Recommended browsers: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers are recommended for the best experience of using MIC Moodle.

To login to the MIC Moodle platform :

  1. Access Moodle using the link -
  2. Once you have clicked on the link you will be presented with a login page:

    Choose the option for MIC Staff & Student Login.
    MIC Moodle login page
  3. Once selected you will be prompted to login using your MIC email and password.
    Once you have entered your MIC email and Password and selected login you will be prompted to verify your identity. Select either the text or call option.
  1. You will then receive either a call or text with a 6 digit code to confirm your identity. Input this 6 digit code and click Verify. 
  2. This will complete the process of signing into Moodle. Now that you are signed in and have access, enrollment onto Moodle pages can be facilitated. 

Having trouble logging in?
If you have difficulty using you MIC account to login to Moodle, firstly check that you can access If you have other work or study Microsoft accounts, ensure these are logged out. For assistance with login issues for either Microsoft Office or MIC Moodle, please make contact with the MIC ICT Services Helpdesk.