When you have finished adding and updating course content, you are ready to enable student enrolment. There are two options for enrolling students on courses: 

  • Self-enrolment: This involves setting an enrolment key, which must be given to the students. Students will then search for your course and, when prompted, enter the enrolment key. This is the best enrolment method to use with large classes. 

  • Manual enrolment: This requires you to search for the student’s name in the Moodle user list. It is a useful method for enrolling a small number of students on a course. 

When you are enrolling students on your course, regardless of which enrolment method you use, ensure you assign them the student role. 


To set up self-enrolment for students: 
  1. Log in to Moodle and go to the course where you wish to enrol students. 
  2. On your course page, below the banner image, select the Participants tab. 
    Image highlighting the participants tab on the course page.
  3. Choose Enrolment methods from the dropdown:  

    dropdown highlighting the enrollment methods option

    You will see a table listing the existing enrolment methods for the course.
  4. You should see Self-enrolment (Student) as an option in the table. If this option is greyed out (disabled), you will need to select the Enable (eye) icon to enable self-enrolment: Arrow pointing to eye icon which is currently set to disabled.
  5. Select the Edit icon (pencil icon to the right of the Enable icon):Arrow pointing to settings cog wheel for self enrollment.

    You will see a page with settings for the self-enrolment option: Settings for self enrollment menu which includes:
- Custom instance name
- Allow existing enrolments
- Allow new enrolments
- Enrolment key
- Use group enrolment key
- Default assigned role - student
- Enrolment duration - 0 days - disabled
- Notify before enrolment expire set to no.
  6. The only setting that needs to be changed is the Enrolment key. To do this select the Unmask icon (this allows you to see what you are typing):Enrollment key - highlighting the unmask icon
  7. Click the edit (pencil) icon to enter an enrolment key:Enrollment key - highlighting the pencil icon to edit.
  8. Note: Avoid using the module code as the enrolment key as this could easily be guessed by students and others who are not registered to take your module. 
  9. Ensure other settings on the Self-enrolment page are left unchanged. It is especially important to ensure the Unenrol inactive after setting is set to Never. Otherwise students who may have been ill or absent for a short period of time may be unenrolled from the Moodle course.Unenrol inactive set to never.
  10. Scroll to the end of the page and click the Save changes button:Save changes button

    When you meet your students give them the title of your Moodle course and the enrolment key. Remember to tell them that the enrolment key is case-sensitive.

Manual Enrolment

To manually enrol a student on a course: 

  1. Log in to Moodle and go to the course where you wish to enrol students. 
  2. On your course page, below the banner image, select the Participants tab. Image highlighting the participants tab on the course page.
  3. Select Enrolled usersEnrol users button
  4. Note: Do not select the Teacher or Non-editing teacher roles; if these roles are assigned, the student would be able to see other students’ assignments and have editing permissions on your course.

  5. Select Student in the Assign Roles drop-down box.  

  6. Enter the student's name or email address in the Search box and click Search

  7. Select Enrol beside the student’s name (the student name will be indented to show it has been selected for enrolment):Enrolment options for manual enrols.

  8. If you need to manually enroll another student, enter the student’s name and search and click Enrol selected users and cohorts. 
  9. If you incorrectly enrolled a student, you can select the Recycling bin icon to the right of the student's name to unenrol them:image displaying the status of a student enrolled onto a course - which has a recycling box icon present to allow a teacher to unenroll them.

To search for enrolled students on the course: 
  1. Filter your search to match Any Keyword. Image displaying a filtering box to help in searching for enrolled students
  2. Proceed to type in the student’s name you wish to search for and select Apply filters. Arrow pointing to the search area for filters.
  3. The participants section will then display any enrolled user which matches this keyword.  
  4. You can also filter the display of your participants using their initials by using the first name and last name filter