Note: Moodle Assignment offers the option to submit Online text which allows students to share Yuja media links. Submissions are accessed through Moodle Assignment and not through Yuja directly.

In order to access Yuja Video assignment submissions:

  1. Navigate to the Moodle course page.
  2. Locate the Moodle assignment and click on the Moodle Assignment link.

    Moodle Assignment Link on Course moodle page
  3. Click on the View all submissions button.

    Moodle Assignment screen with View all submissions button highlighted
  4. To view a submitted video assignment click on the Online text link available on the submission item.

    Yuja video assignment submission with hyperlink of view assignment under online text highlighted
  5. Alternatively, if you wish to open in a new tab or browser window to keep the Moodle screen open for marking, right click on the Online text link and select Open link in new tab or Open link in new window.
Right click Yuja video assignment window with Open link in new tab and open link in new window highlighted

If you would like to find out more in relation to Moodle assignment, please follow the below articles: