Click on the Mahara Assignment on your course page.

Image with arrow highlighting Mahara Moodle Assignment
This will provide a grading summary for the Moodle Assignment where you can see how many participants have submitted, the due date and time remaining.

Click on the Grade button to review Moodle Assignment submissions.

Image with arrow highlighting Grade button
Review the Mahara ePortfolio by clicking on the assignment hyperlink. See How to retrieve Mahara e-Portfolio submissions for guidance.

Once Mahara e-Portfolio is reviewed update:

  • Grade,
  • Marking workflow state and
  • Feedback comments

Image with arrow highlighting Submission and grading fields to populate - Comments, Grade out of 100, Marking Workflow state dropdown and Feedback comments

Once complete, click on Save changes or Save and show next to continue marking the submissions.

Image of Save changes, Save and Show next and Reset buttons

Please see the following related pages: