There are 28 types of activities on MIC's Moodle which can be added to your page:

Activity Chooser screen

You can find information on the 15 different types of activities in a standard Moodle site under the Activities Documentation on the MoodleDoc's website.

These activities include:

  • Assignments - This activity acts as  space where students may submit course work. 
  • Chat - This acts as a scheduled communication activity.
  • Choice -  Choice allows multiple choice questions be asked in a quick poll style fashion.
  • Database - Databases allows for the creation of a collection  of mixed media which can be searched.
  • Feedback - You can create ungraded surveys with your own questions rather than pre-sets.
  • Forum - Students and teachers post or comment in multiple conversations organised into 'threads'.
  • Glossary - Participants make  a list of keywords and definitions. 
  • H5P activity - Interactive multimedia platform.
  • Lesson -  Multi-step exercises and activities that reacts to student decisions.
  • (LTI) External tool - Some websites can link to Moodle, and this tool allows for appropriate setup.
  • Quiz - Multiple types of questions can be created and stored in the Question bank and used to populate your quizzes.
  • SCORM -  A type of interactive multimedia file for online classes.
  • Survey -  Survey can be used assess learning from the student perspective, Questions are pre-set.
  • Wiki - An online student collaboration encyclopedia.
  • Workshop - A peer assessment activity, which requires student submission of peer.
Additional activities available on the MIC Moodle platform:

  • Attendance - allows teachers to maintain a record of attendance, replacing or supplementing a paper-based attendance register. See How to add a Moodle Attendance activity to my course page for more details.
  • BigBlueButton - is an open-source online conferencing tool within the Moodle platform.
  • Boards - is a collaborative tool that facilitates post-it board activity for students within Moodle.
  • Custom Certificate - enables the creation of dynamically generated certificates with complete customisation.
  • Group Choice - allows students to enroll themselves in a group within a Moodle course.
  • Interactive Content (H5P) - Create and add interactive content inside Moodle .
  • Journal - Allows teachers to ask students to reflect on a particular topic. Students can edit and refine their answer over time.
  • MIC Reading Lists - Enables a teacher to include a selection of citations from associated Leganto reading lists directly within the content of their course.
  • Questionnaire - Custom survey creation.
  • Reengagement - Allows timed release of content and emails users to remind them to complete course activity.
  • Scheduler - An appointment scheduler for planning face-to-face meetings between teachers and students.
  • Turnitin - An academic integrity solution designed to integrate with assignments. See What is Turnitin? for more details.
  • YuJa -Video management system software integrated with Moodle wish allows users to create or upload media to Moodle, edit media and stream audio / video content to a Moodle course. See What is Yuja? for more details.