What is Group Choice? 

Group choice, based on the standard Choice activity, allows students to enroll themselves in a group within a Moodle course. The teacher can choose the groups offered and the maximum number of students allowed in each group.

Setting up a Group Choice activity

Before you can proceed in setting up your group choice activity you must first create Groups in Moodle. Please follow steps on how to do so using guide - How to Create Groups in Moodle.

Once your groups have been created return back to your Moodle page to add the Group Choice Activity.

To add Group Choice:

  1.  Turn editing on
  2. Add an activity or resource, and select Group Choice
    Add activity or resourceActivity chooser highlighting group choice
  3. Once on the editing page you can set up your settings for the Group Choice Activity.

Group Choice Settings 

General Settings:
  • Group Choice name.
  • Description - (It is advised to give a description for this activity so students will have instructions for how to complete the activity).
Miscellaneous settings:

  • Allow enrollment to multiple groups.
  • Publish results 
    • Do not publish results to students
    • Show results after students have answered
    • Show results after choice is closed
    • Always show to students
  • Privacy of results - Public or Anonymous.
  • Allow choice to be updated/changed.
  • Show column for unanswered.
  • Limit number of responses allowed - disabled/enabled.
    • If enabled choose limitation for groups then click apply to all groups.
Groups Settings

  • Select the groups/groupings from Available Groups you wish to add for this activity, once selected choose Add. 
  • Once added groups will appear in Selected Groups.
  • Sort groups by
    • Group creation date
    • Name
Group setting section for group choice

Restrict Answering Settings

  • Choose to enable time restrictions for students to answer this activity. 
  • Other general Moodle settings apply to this activity - Common module settings, Restrict access, Activity Completion and Competencies. Apply these settings where necessary. 
  • Once you are happy with your activity settings, choose Save and return to course.