When you are setting up Moodle Assignments for grading and feedback you should begin by specifying the required grade and feedback settings. To do this:

  1. Open the relevant Moodle assignment.
  2. Click on the Settings tab on the top of the screen.
Image Placeholder

Feedback Types

  1. Scroll to the section titled Feedback Types and enable the feedback types you wish to use:
Feedback types options.

Grade Settings

1. Scroll to the Grade section and complete the following settings:

Grade settings.

When you are finished specifying the feedback and grade settings, click Save and return to course.

Save options.

Setting up a Grading Form

If you choose to use a grading form, you will need to set up the grading form in advance of students submitting their assignments.

  1. When you are creating the Moodle Assignment, ensure you select the option to use a Marking Guide in the assignment Grade settings.                                                                                                                                   Grading setting, marking guide.
  2. After the assignment is created, click the assignment link on the course page and you will see the assignment summary page. Click on Advanced grading tab on the top of the screen: Image Placeholder.
  3. Select the option to define a new grading form. Image Placeholder
  4. Enter a name and description for the grading form. Name and description Atto editing page.
  5. Scroll down and click into each section of the grading form to enter details. Grading form options.
  6. Click Save marking guide and make it ready.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Image Placeholder
  7. The marking guide will display in summary form. To edit the guide, click the Edit button. Edit grading form button.