To set up a Moodle
- Navigate to your course page and click on
the Edit mode button on
the top right corner of the screen to turn
editing on.
- In the section of your page that you want
to add the Quiz, go to the bottom
of the section and click on
the + Add an activity or
- Select Quiz from
the activity chooser.
- Once on the editing page you can set
up your settings for your
- Once your settings have been
set, click on Save and
- This
will take you to the next page where you
can update the quiz using
the Quiz tab and
clicking on the Add
question button to
update the quiz.
- To update the reporting information,
navigate to
the Results tab
and update.
- To create a question bank, navigate to
the Question
bank tab, select a
category from the dropdown and click
on Create a new
question button.